Friday 17 February 2017

What is Portfolio Assessment?

Portfolio assessment is a systematic and organized collection of a students’ work compiled by students and teachers that are reviewed against preset criteria to judge a student or program. There are three types of portfolios assessment. They are showcase portfolios, collection portfolios, and assessment portfolios.
First type, showcase portfolios is one of kind portfolios assessment that students do on a piece of paper then they collect it to their teacher. After that, the teacher would find the best of the best of the task. The student who gets the best score, his/her score would be patched on the wall magazine. But this showcase portfolios is not really good type for assess students because it has disadvantages. Second type, collection portfolios is one of kind portfolios assessment that students do in their daily activity. It is also called daily tasks in the classroom assessment. The last type is assessment portfolios. Assessment portfolios is a task that students do on a piece of paper. After doing the task, the teacher would correct the students’ tasks directly.
Portfolios assessment has some advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of portfolios assessment are:
  •  The portfolios assessment can reveal what students can do
  • The portfolios assessment can improve communication between students and teacher
  • The portfolios assessment as a report to parents and headmaster

Not only the advantages in portfolios assessment but also has disadvantages. The disadvantages of portfolios assessment are:
  •  The portfolios assessment needs some spaces or places for saving the portfolios
  •  The portfolios assessment cannot engage for the students’ skill. It means that the teacher cannot know or identify how far students understand about the material only by collecting portfolios. Because portfolios assessment cannot prove which one the real duty of the students or not (copying to other students)

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