Saturday 25 February 2017


           Classroom assessment is the process of gathering evidence of what a student knows, understands, and is able to do. It can also help to identify students' learning needs. Teachers set specific criteria based on learning outcomes and expected levels of performance to evaluate students' learning. Most of the assessments here should be given one-on-one. It is important that you have a non-distracting, comfortable testing environment for students, and that the rest of the class is engaged in a task or assignment and working quietly. It's even better if you can arrange for another teacher to be present while you are performing assessments. Students learn best when learning activities are carefully chosen to build on skills they have already developed and to challenge them to learn new ones. The assessment gives teachers the information they need to plan good learning programs. I think the formative assessment is one of the single most important things that teachers can do and already do for their students. In fact, great teachers use formative assessment whether or not they know it.
Based on the book of Language Testing II, there are classroom assessment competencies.
There are 5 items in this classroom assessment competencies:
1. Clear Purpose
Assessment processes and results serve clear and appropriate purposes.
2. Clear Targets
Assessments reflect clear student learning targets.
3. Sound Design
Learning targets are translated into assessments that yield accurate results.
4. Effective Communication
Assessment results function to increase student achievement. Results are managed well, combined appropriately, and communicated effectively.
5. Student Involvement

Students are active participants in the assessment process.

Semoga bermanfaat untuk semuanya... ☺

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