Friday 13 January 2017


                    Assessment is a prominent and sometimes controversial issue in education. Assessment information used to provide evidence of student achievement for the purpose of making a judgment about student competence or program effectiveness. Assessment process which is taking over the value of the daily test. The starting point for creating assessments includes setting clear and achievable targets and writing objectives.
                    Authentic assessment is a kind of assessment that is related to the real life and students will do it in practicing, such as writing tasks and performance tasks. Writing task here is same to portfolios tasks. Students are given multiple choices to select the right answer. In this authentic assessment, students are also asked to demonstrate understanding by performing more complex tasks usually representative of more meaningful application. Authentic assessment focuses on students’ strengths. Teachers assess what students can do, what they know, and how they can use what they know to learn.

         Authentic assessment ➔ Performance assessment
                                          ➔ Portfolios assessment
                                          ➔ Student self-assessment
                  There are three components of authentic assessment. They are performance assessment, portfolios assessment, and student self-assessment. Although authentic assessment has three forms but the most popular form are two. They are performance assessment and portfolios assessment. Both of them get used to be used in the classroom assessment. The kinds of performance assessment such as, representing, tour guiding, debates, delivering speech, conducting an experiment, playing role-play, etc. Otherwise the examples of portfolios assessment, such as, writing essays, stories or poems, research reports, creating art exhibit, newspaper or writing a task on the piece of paper, and it can be collecting all the tasks that have given in a whole semester, so, the students are supposed to collect them into some pages of papers. So that, these two forms of authentic assessment are the important component in the class assessment. 
             Rubric is a scoring scale used to assess student performance along a task-specific set of criteria. There two types of rubrics. The two types of rubric are analytic and holistic. Analytic is articulates levels of performance for each criterion so the teacher can assess student performance on each criterion. Whereas holistic is assigns a level of performance by assessing performance across multiple criteria as a whole. 
             Thus, authentic assessment is a kind of assessment that directly measure student performance through real-life tasks or product. Authentic assessment recognizes that the most important evaluation is self-evaluation. Students and teachers need to understand why they are doing what they are doing so that they may have some sense of their own success and growth. 

Semoga bermanfaat...☺❤

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