Saturday 25 February 2017


           Classroom assessment is the process of gathering evidence of what a student knows, understands, and is able to do. It can also help to identify students' learning needs. Teachers set specific criteria based on learning outcomes and expected levels of performance to evaluate students' learning. Most of the assessments here should be given one-on-one. It is important that you have a non-distracting, comfortable testing environment for students, and that the rest of the class is engaged in a task or assignment and working quietly. It's even better if you can arrange for another teacher to be present while you are performing assessments. Students learn best when learning activities are carefully chosen to build on skills they have already developed and to challenge them to learn new ones. The assessment gives teachers the information they need to plan good learning programs. I think the formative assessment is one of the single most important things that teachers can do and already do for their students. In fact, great teachers use formative assessment whether or not they know it.
Based on the book of Language Testing II, there are classroom assessment competencies.
There are 5 items in this classroom assessment competencies:
1. Clear Purpose
Assessment processes and results serve clear and appropriate purposes.
2. Clear Targets
Assessments reflect clear student learning targets.
3. Sound Design
Learning targets are translated into assessments that yield accurate results.
4. Effective Communication
Assessment results function to increase student achievement. Results are managed well, combined appropriately, and communicated effectively.
5. Student Involvement

Students are active participants in the assessment process.

Semoga bermanfaat untuk semuanya... ☺

Friday 17 February 2017

What is Portfolio Assessment?

Portfolio assessment is a systematic and organized collection of a students’ work compiled by students and teachers that are reviewed against preset criteria to judge a student or program. There are three types of portfolios assessment. They are showcase portfolios, collection portfolios, and assessment portfolios.
First type, showcase portfolios is one of kind portfolios assessment that students do on a piece of paper then they collect it to their teacher. After that, the teacher would find the best of the best of the task. The student who gets the best score, his/her score would be patched on the wall magazine. But this showcase portfolios is not really good type for assess students because it has disadvantages. Second type, collection portfolios is one of kind portfolios assessment that students do in their daily activity. It is also called daily tasks in the classroom assessment. The last type is assessment portfolios. Assessment portfolios is a task that students do on a piece of paper. After doing the task, the teacher would correct the students’ tasks directly.
Portfolios assessment has some advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of portfolios assessment are:
  •  The portfolios assessment can reveal what students can do
  • The portfolios assessment can improve communication between students and teacher
  • The portfolios assessment as a report to parents and headmaster

Not only the advantages in portfolios assessment but also has disadvantages. The disadvantages of portfolios assessment are:
  •  The portfolios assessment needs some spaces or places for saving the portfolios
  •  The portfolios assessment cannot engage for the students’ skill. It means that the teacher cannot know or identify how far students understand about the material only by collecting portfolios. Because portfolios assessment cannot prove which one the real duty of the students or not (copying to other students)

Wednesday 8 February 2017

The Opinion about 47 RONIN

(47 Samurai)

              The story of the 47 Ronin is one of the most celebrated in the history of the samurai. This was perhaps all the more so because it occurred at a time when the samurai class was struggling to maintain a sense of itself - warriors with no war, a social class without a function.
                    In my opinion, this story is interesting. I enjoy watching this movie. It tells about two domains which being adverse in Japan. It was happened in the 18th century. One noted Japanese scholar described the tale, the best known example of the samurai code of honor, bushido as the country's "national legend." There were two realms. They were Ako and Agata. I like Ako better than Agata. All of the characters in Ako realm I like. It’s because the kaiser of Ako was a good person, fiduciary, kind, and emphatic. He was Lord Asano. He had only a daughter, Mika. She was a beautiful girl and good attitude. She had a lover, his name Kai. But because of fate, they could not be at one with. Kai was only a son from an English tailor and a woman farmer. Although he was not a samurai, he had a soul samurai. He was really a good boy. He always tried to save a girl whom he loved without considering his life. Otherwise I do not like Agata realm. So many people are ruthless, wicked, and greedy. Really I dislike all the characters of Agata realm. The Kaiser of Agata was Lord Kira. He was not a good hierarch for their society. He seldom did deceitful. He had many demons and asked to them to backbite Lord Asano and killed him. Most of his realm was be covered with witchcraft. And finally, both Ako and Agata realm war. Many people died in this war. So Kira was murdered. That means Agata realm was conquered by Ako realm.

Thursday 2 February 2017

What are TOEFL, IELTS, and TOEIC??

            Proficiency test is uncommon within the classroom but very frequent as the end aim and motivation of language learning. There are three kind of models proficiency test that is getting used to be used to measure how far students’ skill of English. They are TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC.
                TOEFL stands for Test of English Foreign Language. Usually, students are obligated to join TOEFL as their equipment to pass the final exam. In Indonesia, TOEFL is not the odd thing in our ears. The score of TOEFL is seldom used for students who want to continue their study in abroad. So that, score of TOEFL is the important one to be observed. There are 3 types of TOEFL are CBT, PBT, and IBT. The first, CBT is Computer Based Test. In CBT, students would do test of English using computer. They don’t need to write on a paper but, do the test directly on the computer which is prepared by institution. The second, PBT is Paper Based Test. In PBT, students would have test of English in written test. So, the students would do the test of English on a piece of paper. It seems like written test that is given in formal school. The third, IBT is Internet Based Test. This is the newest type of TOEFL to measure students’ skills. Students can access the IBT test easily and free. The time of test is also flexible. Students can choose their own schedule. 
             IELTS stands for International English Testing System which tests English proficiency across the globe. IELTS is the world’s most popular high takes English language test for study, work and migration. IELTS has four parts of test. They are listening, reading, speaking, and writing. Usually the test time of IELTS will happen for about 3 hours. The listening, reading, and writing tests are done in one sitting. The speaking test may be on the same day or up to seven days before or after the other tests. The speaking module is conducted in the form of a one-to-one interview with an examiner. The examiner assesses the candidate as he or she is speaking, but the speaking session is also recorded for monitoring as well as re-marking in case of an appeal against the banding given. IELTS usually as equipment if we want to study in Australia. Most of learners who want to continue their study in Australia, they should have the score of IELTS. IELTS is developed with input from item writers from around the world. Teams are located in the USA, Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and other English-speaking nations. 
             The TOEIC stand for Test of English for International Communication. The TOEIC Speaking and Writing tests have recently been added to the TOEIC program. These tests complement the TOEIC Listening and Reading test, allowing for a full assessment of a person's ability to communicate in English across all four language skills. Usually TOEIC used for businessman or employees who want to work in abroad. Before working in abroad, the employees are expected to have the score of TOEIC. 

Semoga bermanfaat untukku, untukmu, dan untuk samuanya... ❤☺