Thursday 30 March 2017

Muhammadiyah sebagai Gerakan Islam dan Pendidikan

Muhammadiyah sebagai Gerakan Islam dan Gerakan Pendidikan

1. a) Muhammadiyah didirikan pada tanggal 8 Dzulhijjah tahun 1330 H bertepatan dengan tanggal 18 November 1912 di Yogyakarta dengan dilatarbelakangi oleh kondisi umat Islam yang amat mengkhawatirkan pada saat itu. Ada tiga penyakit kronis pada saat itu yang dialami oleh umat Islam, yaitu kemiskinan, kebodohan dan keterbelakangan. Mengapa ia miskin, karena ia bodoh. Lalu mengapa ia bodoh, karena ia terbelakang. Hal ini merupakan lingkaran yang tak berujung dan bertepi serta tak terputus. Kondisi umat tersebut dijawab oleh KH. Ahmad Dahlan dengan mendirikan sekolah sebelum mendirikan organisasi Muhammadiyah. Pada tahun 1911, KH. Ahmad Dahlan mendirikan sekolah dengan sepuluh orang murid. Ilmu umum diajarkan oleh seorang guru pemerintah yang bersedia membantu sedangkan ilmu agama diajarkan sendiri oleh beliau. Setahun kemudian, Muhammadiyah berdiri untuk memberikan kontribusi mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa.

b) Sistem pendidikan Islam tradisional dikenal metode sorogan dan weton, maka di lembaga pendidikan klasikal seperti ini yang dipraktekkan adalah kurikulum pelajaran pesantren. Materi pendidikan agama yang mencakup mata pelajaran aqidah akhlak, hadist, piqh, tarikh.
Sedangkan metode yang digunakan di Muhammadiyah yaitu Metode ceramah, diskusi, tanya jawab, pemberian tugas, metode kerja kelompok, demonstrasi, latihan, sosiodrama, metode karya wisata/belajar di alam. Kurikulum yang digunakan di Muhammadiyah merupakan kurikulum gabungan antara kurikulum pelajaran pesantren dengan kurikulum modern dengan mempelajari ilmu-ilmu dalam bidang umum. Maka materi yang disampaikan pada pendidikan Muhammadiyah adalah Pendidikan Agama yang mencakup mata pelajaran aqidah akhlak, hadist, piqh, tarikh, bahasa, al-quran dan kemuhammadiyahan. Selain pendidikan Agama di Muhammadiyah juga terdapat pendidikan umum yang meliputi IPA, IPS Ilmu teknik, olah raga, matematika dll.

2. a) Tantangan yang dihadapi oleh Muhammadiyah dalam bidang pendidikan selama ini yaitu
- Amal usaha Muhammadiyah dalam hal kualitas mengalami terlambatnya pertumbuhan kualitas dibandingkan dengan penambahan jumlah yang spektakuler, sehingga dalam beberapa hal kalah bersaing dengan pihak lain. Kedua, tidak meratanya pengembangan mutu lembaga pendidikan. Dalam sejumlah aspek banyak disoroti kelemahan amal usaha khususnya di bidang pendidikan yang kurang mampu menunjukkan daya saing di tingkat nasional apalagi internasional. 
-   Krisis moral
Melalui tayangan acara-acara di media elektronik dan media massa lainnya, ‎yang menyuguhkan pergaulan bebas, sex bebas, konsumsi alkohol dan narkotika, ‎perselingkuhan, pornografi, kekerasan, liar dan lain-lain. Hal ini akan berimbas pada ‎perbuatan negatif generasi muda seperti tawuran, pemerkosaan, hamil di luar nikah, ‎penjambretan, pencopetan, penodongan, pembunuhan oleh pelajar, malas belajar dan ‎tidak punya integritas dan krisis akhlaq lainnya.‎
- Masalah kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi
Kecenderungan penggunaan teknologi tinggi (high technologie) khususnya teknologi komunikasi dan informasi (TKI) seperti komputer mempuyai dampak negatif. Kehadiran TKI ini menyebabkan terjadinya tuntutan dari masyarakat untuk mendapatkan pelayanan yang lebih cepat, transparan, tidak dibatasi waktu dan tempat
- Masalah berkurangnya profesionalisme guru itu juga mempengaruhi perkembangan pendidikan.

b) Solusi atas tantangan yang dihadapi Muhammadiyah dalam bidang pendidikan adalah Muhammadiyah perlu melakukan upaya pengesahan dan penghidupan kembali Muhammadiyah sebagai gerakan pendidikan dan gerakan pengembangan dan pengelolaan. Muhammadiyah perlu merumuskan kembali ide dasar pendidikan muhammadiyah sebagai mantra keimanan dan ketaqwaaan yang tercemin dalam relijiulitas serta akhlaq manusianya. Untuk menghindari dampak negatif terhadap kualitas peserta didik, yaitu dengan terus meningkatkan kualitas Sumber daya pendidik dan terus menanamkan etos keikhlasan kepada para pendidik dalam lembaga pendidikan Muhammadiyah. Sehingga diperlukan proses belajar yang sejalan dengan dengan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi tetapi juga membawa siswa menyadari kebesaran Allah Swt. 

3.  a) Nilai-nilai ideologi islam pada kurikulum 2013 dapat dimasukkan pada beberapa mata pelajaran yang berbau islami, seperti Al-islam, Kemuhammadiyahan, dan Bahasa arab. Sehingga dari beberapa mata pelajaran itu kita dapat menyisipkan nilai-nilai agama islam dengan lebih mudah seperti halnya dengan berdakwah disela-sela pelajaran berlangsung.

b) Peran mata pelajaran ISMUBA dalam melakukan “Character Building” di sekolah Muhammadiyah yaitu peserta didik dapat berbicara bahasa arab, mengaji serta mengerti aturan – aturan agama yang baik dan yang salah. Peserta didik juga diajarkan membangun akhlak yang baik dan mempelajari agama lebih dalam.

4. a) Filosofi pendidikan islam dalam perspektif Muhammadiyah yaitu Muhammadiyah mengembangkan keterbukaan, menghargai perbedaan, toleransi dan semacamnya kepada para anggotanya melalui berbagai macam aktivitas atau forum seperti pengajian, training, dan pertemuan pengurus-anggota di berbagai tingkatan (Muktamar, Musyawarah Wilayah, Musyawarah Daerah,Cabang dan Musyawarah Ranting). Lebih lanjut lagi, beberapa organisasi otonom Muhammadiyah seperti Aisyiah, Nasyiatul Aisyiah dan Ikatan Mahasiswa Muhammadiyah terlibat langsung dalam penyelenggaraan demokrasi dalam pengertian partisipasi masyrakat dalam politik formal, misalnya pendidikan untuk pemilih; monitoring pemungutan suara,pendidikan anti korupsi dan pengembangan sensivitas gender.

b) Konstribusi Muhammadiyah dalam bidang pendidikan di Indonesia yaitu dulu pendiri organisasi Muhammadiyah, K.H. Ahmad Dahlan   menyelenggarakan pendidikan dengan menggabungkan kurikulum pondok pesantren dengan sekolah barat (modern), dengan porsi pendidikan agama yang cukup. Maka muncullah pondok pesantren yang juga mengajarkan pelajaran umum seperti Madrasah Mualimin dan Mualimat. Sedangkan SD Muhammadiyah, SMP Muhammadiyah, SMA Muhammadiyah adalah sekolah model barat yang mengajarkan pendidikan agama islam dengan porsi yang cukup banyak. Pada waktu itu K.H. Ahmad Dahlan juga berani melakukan hal yang masih dipandang aneh   untuk kalangan umat islam yaitu sekolah menggunakan bangku dan kursi, murid-muridnya diperbolehkan latihan drumband dan menggunakan celana panjang serta dasi. 
Kini satu abad sudah Muhammadiyah berdiri,  partisipasi Muhammadiyah dalam dunia pendidikan tidaklah kecil. Mahammadiyah mampu menyelenggarakan program pendidikan dengan menyediakan 1132 SD; 169 MI; 1184 SMP; 534 MTs; 511 SMA; 263 SMK; 172 MA; 67 Pondok Pesantren; 55 Akademi; 4 Politehnik; 70 Sekolah Tinggi dan 36 Universitas yang tersebar diseluruh Indonesia. Sehingga sekolah di Muhammadiyah bukan sebagai pilihan kedua setelah tidak diterima di sekolah negeri. Lembaga pendidikan Muhammadiyah benar-benar menjadi wahana menyemai karakter generasi penerus bangsa.

5. a) Pendidikan karakter adalah suatu konsep dasar yang diterapkan ke dalam pemikiran seseorang untuk menjadikan akhlak jasmani rohani maupun budi pekerti agar lebih berarti dari sebelumnya sehingga dapat mengurangi krisis moral yang menerpa negeri ini. Menurut para ahli pengertian pendidikan karakter haruslah diterapakan ke dalam pikiran seseorang sejak usia dini, remaja bahkan dewasa, sehingga dapat membentuk karakter seseorang menjadi lebih bernilai dan bermoral. 

b) Ada tiga program yang dilakukan Muhammadiyah dalam “Character Building” yang menjadi tekanan pihak sekolah dalam membangun karakter terpuji, yaitu melalui: (1) kultur sekolah bermutu yang mencakup mutu input, mutu akademik, dan mutu nonakademik; (2) kultur sekolah Islam dengan fokus penanaman karakter religius, keterbukaan, kepedulian, kebersamaan, dan kerja sama; (3) kultur disiplin dengan fokus penanaman karakter antara lain religius, kedisiplinan, kepedulian, dan kebersamaan.

Saturday 25 February 2017


           Classroom assessment is the process of gathering evidence of what a student knows, understands, and is able to do. It can also help to identify students' learning needs. Teachers set specific criteria based on learning outcomes and expected levels of performance to evaluate students' learning. Most of the assessments here should be given one-on-one. It is important that you have a non-distracting, comfortable testing environment for students, and that the rest of the class is engaged in a task or assignment and working quietly. It's even better if you can arrange for another teacher to be present while you are performing assessments. Students learn best when learning activities are carefully chosen to build on skills they have already developed and to challenge them to learn new ones. The assessment gives teachers the information they need to plan good learning programs. I think the formative assessment is one of the single most important things that teachers can do and already do for their students. In fact, great teachers use formative assessment whether or not they know it.
Based on the book of Language Testing II, there are classroom assessment competencies.
There are 5 items in this classroom assessment competencies:
1. Clear Purpose
Assessment processes and results serve clear and appropriate purposes.
2. Clear Targets
Assessments reflect clear student learning targets.
3. Sound Design
Learning targets are translated into assessments that yield accurate results.
4. Effective Communication
Assessment results function to increase student achievement. Results are managed well, combined appropriately, and communicated effectively.
5. Student Involvement

Students are active participants in the assessment process.

Semoga bermanfaat untuk semuanya... ☺

Friday 17 February 2017

What is Portfolio Assessment?

Portfolio assessment is a systematic and organized collection of a students’ work compiled by students and teachers that are reviewed against preset criteria to judge a student or program. There are three types of portfolios assessment. They are showcase portfolios, collection portfolios, and assessment portfolios.
First type, showcase portfolios is one of kind portfolios assessment that students do on a piece of paper then they collect it to their teacher. After that, the teacher would find the best of the best of the task. The student who gets the best score, his/her score would be patched on the wall magazine. But this showcase portfolios is not really good type for assess students because it has disadvantages. Second type, collection portfolios is one of kind portfolios assessment that students do in their daily activity. It is also called daily tasks in the classroom assessment. The last type is assessment portfolios. Assessment portfolios is a task that students do on a piece of paper. After doing the task, the teacher would correct the students’ tasks directly.
Portfolios assessment has some advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of portfolios assessment are:
  •  The portfolios assessment can reveal what students can do
  • The portfolios assessment can improve communication between students and teacher
  • The portfolios assessment as a report to parents and headmaster

Not only the advantages in portfolios assessment but also has disadvantages. The disadvantages of portfolios assessment are:
  •  The portfolios assessment needs some spaces or places for saving the portfolios
  •  The portfolios assessment cannot engage for the students’ skill. It means that the teacher cannot know or identify how far students understand about the material only by collecting portfolios. Because portfolios assessment cannot prove which one the real duty of the students or not (copying to other students)

Wednesday 8 February 2017

The Opinion about 47 RONIN

(47 Samurai)

              The story of the 47 Ronin is one of the most celebrated in the history of the samurai. This was perhaps all the more so because it occurred at a time when the samurai class was struggling to maintain a sense of itself - warriors with no war, a social class without a function.
                    In my opinion, this story is interesting. I enjoy watching this movie. It tells about two domains which being adverse in Japan. It was happened in the 18th century. One noted Japanese scholar described the tale, the best known example of the samurai code of honor, bushido as the country's "national legend." There were two realms. They were Ako and Agata. I like Ako better than Agata. All of the characters in Ako realm I like. It’s because the kaiser of Ako was a good person, fiduciary, kind, and emphatic. He was Lord Asano. He had only a daughter, Mika. She was a beautiful girl and good attitude. She had a lover, his name Kai. But because of fate, they could not be at one with. Kai was only a son from an English tailor and a woman farmer. Although he was not a samurai, he had a soul samurai. He was really a good boy. He always tried to save a girl whom he loved without considering his life. Otherwise I do not like Agata realm. So many people are ruthless, wicked, and greedy. Really I dislike all the characters of Agata realm. The Kaiser of Agata was Lord Kira. He was not a good hierarch for their society. He seldom did deceitful. He had many demons and asked to them to backbite Lord Asano and killed him. Most of his realm was be covered with witchcraft. And finally, both Ako and Agata realm war. Many people died in this war. So Kira was murdered. That means Agata realm was conquered by Ako realm.

Thursday 2 February 2017

What are TOEFL, IELTS, and TOEIC??

            Proficiency test is uncommon within the classroom but very frequent as the end aim and motivation of language learning. There are three kind of models proficiency test that is getting used to be used to measure how far students’ skill of English. They are TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC.
                TOEFL stands for Test of English Foreign Language. Usually, students are obligated to join TOEFL as their equipment to pass the final exam. In Indonesia, TOEFL is not the odd thing in our ears. The score of TOEFL is seldom used for students who want to continue their study in abroad. So that, score of TOEFL is the important one to be observed. There are 3 types of TOEFL are CBT, PBT, and IBT. The first, CBT is Computer Based Test. In CBT, students would do test of English using computer. They don’t need to write on a paper but, do the test directly on the computer which is prepared by institution. The second, PBT is Paper Based Test. In PBT, students would have test of English in written test. So, the students would do the test of English on a piece of paper. It seems like written test that is given in formal school. The third, IBT is Internet Based Test. This is the newest type of TOEFL to measure students’ skills. Students can access the IBT test easily and free. The time of test is also flexible. Students can choose their own schedule. 
             IELTS stands for International English Testing System which tests English proficiency across the globe. IELTS is the world’s most popular high takes English language test for study, work and migration. IELTS has four parts of test. They are listening, reading, speaking, and writing. Usually the test time of IELTS will happen for about 3 hours. The listening, reading, and writing tests are done in one sitting. The speaking test may be on the same day or up to seven days before or after the other tests. The speaking module is conducted in the form of a one-to-one interview with an examiner. The examiner assesses the candidate as he or she is speaking, but the speaking session is also recorded for monitoring as well as re-marking in case of an appeal against the banding given. IELTS usually as equipment if we want to study in Australia. Most of learners who want to continue their study in Australia, they should have the score of IELTS. IELTS is developed with input from item writers from around the world. Teams are located in the USA, Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and other English-speaking nations. 
             The TOEIC stand for Test of English for International Communication. The TOEIC Speaking and Writing tests have recently been added to the TOEIC program. These tests complement the TOEIC Listening and Reading test, allowing for a full assessment of a person's ability to communicate in English across all four language skills. Usually TOEIC used for businessman or employees who want to work in abroad. Before working in abroad, the employees are expected to have the score of TOEIC. 

Semoga bermanfaat untukku, untukmu, dan untuk samuanya... ❤☺

Sunday 15 January 2017


Proficiency Test

       Proficiency test is uncommon within the classroom but very frequent as the end aim and motivation of language learning. There are three kind of models proficiency test that is getting used to be used to measure how far students’ skill of English. They are TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC.
          TOEFL stands for Test of English Foreign Language. Usually, students are obligated to join TOEFL as their equipment to pass the final exam. In Indonesia, TOEFL is not the odd thing in our ears. The score of TOEFL is seldom used for students who want to continue their study in abroad. So that, score of TOEFL is the important one to be observed. There are 3 types of TOEFL are CBT, PBT, and IBT. The first, CBT is Computer Based Test. In CBT, students would do test of English using computer. They don’t need to write on a paper but, do the test directly on the computer which is prepared by institution. The second, PBT is Paper Based Test. In PBT, students would have test of English in written test. So, the students would do the test of English on a piece of paper. It seems like written test that is given in formal school. The third, IBT is Internet Based Test. This is the newest type of TOEFL to measure students’ skills. Students can access the IBT test easily and free. The time of test is also flexible. Students can choose their own schedule. 
           IELTS stands for International English Testing System which tests English proficiency across the globe. IELTS is the world’s most popular high takes English language test for study, work and migration. IELTS has four parts of test. They are listening, reading, speaking, and writing. Usually the test time of IELTS will happen for about 3 hours. The listening, reading, and writing tests are done in one sitting. The speaking test may be on the same day or up to seven days before or after the other tests. The speaking module is conducted in the form of a one-to-one interview with an examiner. The examiner assesses the candidate as he or she is speaking, but the speaking session is also recorded for monitoring as well as re-marking in case of an appeal against the banding given. IELTS usually as equipment if we want to study in Australia. Most of learners who want to continue their study in Australia, they should have the score of IELTS. IELTS is developed with input from item writers from around the world. Teams are located in the USA, Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and other English-speaking nations. 
           The TOEIC stand for Test of English for International Communication. The TOEIC Speaking and Writing tests have recently been added to the TOEIC program. These tests complement the TOEIC Listening and Reading test, allowing for a full assessment of a person's ability to communicate in English across all four language skills. Usually TOEIC used for businessman or employees who want to work in abroad. Before working in abroad, the employees are expected to have the score of TOEIC. 

Semoga bermanfaat bagi para pembaca.. ☺❤

Saturday 14 January 2017

PROPOSAL USAHA “Agar-Agar Coklat”

Pengembangan Rencana Usaha 
“Agar-Agar Coklat”

Profil Usaha 
             Agar-agar adalah salah satu produk bahan makanan yang terbuat dari rumput laut. Zat yag terkandung dalam agar-agar sangat baik untuk pencernaan dan penambah nutrisi dalam tubuh. Dalam agar-agar terkandung vitamin, mineral colloidal, iodin, asam lemak esensial, asam amino, dan berbagai enzim.
             Agar-agar memang makanan yang banyak di gemari, apalagi Agar-agar Coklat. Agar-agar memang sangat cocok di sajikan disaat cuaca sedang panas, bisa juga disajikan sebagai makanan untuk acara-acara tertentu.
            Agar-agar / puding coklat memang merupakan makanan segar yang sangat baik untuk metabolisme tubuh. Bahan-bahan yang di perlukan untuk membuat agar-agar tidak terlalu sulit untuk di temukan, selain itu proses pembuatannya pun tidak terlalu sulit.
             Khusus buat ibu-ibu rumah tangga atau remaja putri, memasak puding untuk dihidangkan di meja makan tentu suatu bentuk kreatifitas tersendiri. Memang, aneka puding sudah banyak kita temukan di pasaran. Agar-agar / pudding merupakan makanan favorit, layaknya pancake. Apalagi ditambah dengan coklat yang pasti kita tahu bersama merupakan makanan yang disukai banyak orang dimana saja.

Manfaat Agar-Agar Coklat:
               Agar-agar coklat ternyata sangat membantu metabolisme tubuh kita. Menurut beberapa sumber, ternyata puding ini terdiri atas 600 kalori, protein, serta karbohidrat. Agar-agar coklat sebaiknya dimakan pada waktu pagi hari, ketika metabolisme tubuh sedang aktif.
               Dengan begitu, biasanya seseorang dapat bekerja justru lebih baik dengan kelebihan kalori sepanjang hari. Sarapan pagi penting dalam menyediakan energi untuk melaksanakan perkerjaan, juga membantu fungsi otak dan mendorong dimulainya metabolisme. Oleh karena itu, alangkah baiknya jika pada waktu sarapan, juga ditambahkan jenis makanan penutup, seperti agar-agar coklat.
               Hal ini dapat mengontrol nafsu makan sepanjang hari, dan semua itu ternyata penting untuk menurunkan berat badan. Itulah salah satu manfaat puding ini sebagai makanan penutup pada waktu sarapan.
               Menikmati kesegaran agar-agar ini memberikan rasa yang begitu berbeda, apalagi jika dapat diolah dengan benar. Namun, banyak juga hal yang terjadi di luar kemampuan kita. Jika bukan ahli memasak, biasanya selalu ada kemungkinan untuk gagal. Walau kita sudah membaca resep dengan benar dan takaran yang sesuai.

Aspek Pemasaran
Sasaran Pemasaran
Konsumen sebagai pengguna produk yang menjadi target pemasaran adalah siswa Sekolah Dasar, pusat perbelanjaan, taman kota, tempat-tempat pariwisata, dan masyarakat sekitar.
Strategi Pemasaran
Produk pudding / agar-agar sangat cocok untuk makanan camilan disamping itu makanan ini tidak menggunakan bahan pengawet dan aman dikonsumsi. Untuk menarik minat produk makanan pudding / agar-agar dikemas dan disajikan menarik, praktis, dan siap dimakan.
Harga Jual
Harga jual produk disesuaikan dengan harga pasar yaitu sebesar Rp.2000/cup. Dengan rasa dan tampilan menarik agar-agar ini dapat menarik minat para konsumen dan juga kaya akan serat serta sebagai makanan penunda lapar.
Promosi agar-agar dilakukan dengan mendatangi konsumen secara langsung yaitu dengan menawarkan produk tersebut ke warung makanan, pusat perbelanjaan, pusat oleh-oleh, dan tempat lainnya.
Sistem Pemasaran dan Distribusi
Pemasaran produksi dimulai dari pusat keramaian yaitu taman kota dan tempat pariwisata di Surabaya. Selain itu, dengan cara dititipkan di kantin-kantin sekolah, relasi dan para pemilik warung.

Produk dan Penetapan Harga
Bahan dan Alat Produksi
Usaha pembuatan agar-agar membutuhkan bahan baku berupa agar-agar bubuk. Bahan baku tersebut tersedia cukup melimpah dan mudah untuk didapatkan. Bahan pendukung antara lain air, gula pasir, susu, keju dan coklat tabur. Sedangkan untuk peralatan yang dibutuhkan antara lain:
1. Kompor
2. Panci
3. Cup plastik
4. Plastik pembungkus
5. Sendok plastik

 Tabel Kebutuhan Peralatan
Nama Barang
Harga Satuan
1 buah
1 buah
Cup Plastik
2 pack
Rp. 5.000
Plastik Pembungkus
1 pack
Rp. 3.000
Rp. 3.000
Sendok Plastik
1 pack
Rp. 5.000
Rp. 5.000


Rp. 18.000

Tabel kebutuhan bahan baku dan pendukung tiap produksi
Nama Barang
Agar-agar coklat
3 bungkus
Rp. 8.000
Agar-agar rasa buah
3 bungkus
Rp. 7.000
Gula pasir
1 kg
Rp. 12.000
Coklat tabur
2 sachet
Rp. 15.000
1 kemasan kecil
Rp. 10.000
Susu kental manis
2 sachet 
Rp. 3.000
Tabung gas
3 kg
Rp. 15.000


Rp. 70.000
Total keseluruhan adalah Rp.88.000

Dari semua bahan tersebut, bisa menghasilkan 60 cup agar-agar. Modal awal membutuhkan Rp.88.000. Dari 60 cup agar-agar tersebut dijual Rp.2000/cup tiap hari. Rinciannya sebagai berikut:

Harga asli    Rp.88.000 + 60 cup agar-agar = Rp.1.467/cup
Harga jual    Rp.2000/cup
                    60 cup agar-agar x Rp.2000 = Rp.120.000
Laba           Rp.533/cup        
Total laba keseluruhan adalah Rp.120.000 – Rp.88.000 = Rp.32.000/hari
Apabila selama satu bulan berdagang selama 25 hari maka akan mendapatkan laba Rp.32.000 x 25 hari = Rp.800.000/bulan
Omset penjualan agar-agar Rp.120.000/hari. Apabila selama satu bulan berdagang selama 25 hari maka Rp.120.000 x 25 hari = Rp.3.000.000
Jadi, omset dari penjualan Agar-Agar Rasa selama 1 bulan bisa mencapai Rp.3.000.000

            Makanan ringan merupakan  makanan yang sangat digemari oleh masyarakat umum. Baik itu yang berbentuk basah atau yang hanya tahan 1 hari saja, ataupun berbentuk kering yang tahannya sampai berbulan-bulan bahkan  tahunan. Di kota Surabaya sendiri, banyak tersedia jenis makanan atau jajanan ringan, contohnya di swalayan-swalayan ternama. Setiap hari para pelaku bisnis ini akan mengantarkan barang dagangannya ke swalayan-swalayan atau pun ke toko oleh-oleh. Ini membuktikan bahwa bisnis makanan ringan adalah bisnis yang sangat menguntungkan saat ini dan ke depan.
            Begitu juga dengan perencanaan usaha Agar-Agar Coklat yang kami rancang di atas. Agar-agar merupakan makanan ringan yang sangat digemari oleh masyarakat. Agar-agar memang sangat cocok di sajikan disaat cuaca sedang panas khususnya di Indonesia yg beriklim tropis. Agar-agar bisa juga disajikan sebagai makanan untuk acara-acara tertentu. Agar-agar memang merupakan makanan segar yang sangat baik untuk metabolisme tubuh. Diharapkan jajanan ini dapat diterima dan mampu bersaing di pasaran.

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Friday 13 January 2017


                    Assessment is a prominent and sometimes controversial issue in education. Assessment information used to provide evidence of student achievement for the purpose of making a judgment about student competence or program effectiveness. Assessment process which is taking over the value of the daily test. The starting point for creating assessments includes setting clear and achievable targets and writing objectives.
                    Authentic assessment is a kind of assessment that is related to the real life and students will do it in practicing, such as writing tasks and performance tasks. Writing task here is same to portfolios tasks. Students are given multiple choices to select the right answer. In this authentic assessment, students are also asked to demonstrate understanding by performing more complex tasks usually representative of more meaningful application. Authentic assessment focuses on students’ strengths. Teachers assess what students can do, what they know, and how they can use what they know to learn.

         Authentic assessment ➔ Performance assessment
                                          ➔ Portfolios assessment
                                          ➔ Student self-assessment
                  There are three components of authentic assessment. They are performance assessment, portfolios assessment, and student self-assessment. Although authentic assessment has three forms but the most popular form are two. They are performance assessment and portfolios assessment. Both of them get used to be used in the classroom assessment. The kinds of performance assessment such as, representing, tour guiding, debates, delivering speech, conducting an experiment, playing role-play, etc. Otherwise the examples of portfolios assessment, such as, writing essays, stories or poems, research reports, creating art exhibit, newspaper or writing a task on the piece of paper, and it can be collecting all the tasks that have given in a whole semester, so, the students are supposed to collect them into some pages of papers. So that, these two forms of authentic assessment are the important component in the class assessment. 
             Rubric is a scoring scale used to assess student performance along a task-specific set of criteria. There two types of rubrics. The two types of rubric are analytic and holistic. Analytic is articulates levels of performance for each criterion so the teacher can assess student performance on each criterion. Whereas holistic is assigns a level of performance by assessing performance across multiple criteria as a whole. 
             Thus, authentic assessment is a kind of assessment that directly measure student performance through real-life tasks or product. Authentic assessment recognizes that the most important evaluation is self-evaluation. Students and teachers need to understand why they are doing what they are doing so that they may have some sense of their own success and growth. 

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Thursday 12 January 2017


Based on Creswell's book (2012)

              A correlation is a statistical test to determine the tendency or pattern for two (or more) variables or two sets of data to vary consistently. In the case of only two variables, this means that two variables share common variance, or they co-vary together. To say that two variables co-vary has a somewhat complicated mathematical basis. Co-vary means that we can predict a score on one variable with knowledge about the individual’s score on another variable. A simple example might illustrate this point. Assume that scores on a math quiz for fourth-grade students range from 30 to 90. We are interested in whether scores on an in-class exercise in math (one variable) can predict the student’s math quiz scores (another variable). If the scores on the exercise do not explain the scores on the math quiz, then we cannot predict anyone’s score except to say that it might range from 30 to 90. If the exercise could explain the variance in all of the math quiz scores, then we could predict the math scores perfectly. 

When Use Correlational Research
             You use this design when you seek to relate two or more variables to see if they influence each other, such as the relationship between teachers who endorse developmentally appropriate practices and their use of the whole-language approach to reading instruction (Ketner, Smith, & Parnell, 1997). This design allows you to predict an outcome, such as the prediction that ability, quality of schooling, student motivation, and academic coursework infl uence student achievement (Anderson & Keith, 1997). You also use this design when you know and can apply statistical knowledge based on calculating the correlation statistical test.

1. The Explanatory Design
                Various authors refer to explanatory correlational research as “relational” research (Cohen & Manion, 1994, p. 123), “accounting-for-variance studies” (Punch, 1998, p. 78), or “explanatory” research (Fraenkel & Wallen, 2000, p. 360). Because one basic objective of this form of correlational research is to explain the association between or among variables, we will use the term explanatory research in this discussion. An explanatory research design is a correlational design in which the researcher is interested in the extent to which two variables (or more) co-vary, that is, where changes in one variable are refl ected in changes in the other. Explanatory designs consist of a simple association between two variables (e.g., sense of humor and performance in drama) or more than two (e.g., pressure from friends or feelings of isolation that contribute to binge drinking).

The Characteristics of Explanatory Design:
The investigators correlate two or more variables. They report the correlation statistical test and mention the use of multiple variables. Readers fi nd these variables specifi cally mentioned in the purpose statement, the research questions, or the tables reporting the statistical procedures.
The researchers collect data at one point in time. Evidence for this procedure will be found in the administration of instruments “in one sitting” to students. In explanatory correlational research, the investigators are not interested in either past or future performance of participants.
The investigator analyzes all participants as a single group. Compared to an experiment that involves multiple groups or treatment conditions, the researcher collects scores from only one group and does not divide the group into categories (or factors). Unlike experimental research, all levels of information from the group are used. Rather than divide scores on self-esteem into “high” and “low” categories of scores, as would be done in experimental research, a correlational researcher uses all scores on a continuum, such as from 10 to 90.
The researcher obtains at least two scores for each individual in the group—one for each variable. In the method discussion, the correlational investigator will mention how many scores were collected from each participant. For example, for each individual in a study of optimism and appropriate health behaviors, the researcher would collect two scores: an optimism score and a health behavior score.
The researcher reports the use of the correlation statistical test (or an extension of it) in the data analysis. This is the basic feature of this type of research. In addition, the researcher includes reports about the strength and the direction of the correlational test to provide additional information.
Finally, the researcher makes interpretations or draws conclusions from the statistical test results. It is important to note that the conclusions do not establish a probable cause-and-effect (or causal inference) relationship because the researcher can use only statistical control (e.g., control over variables using statistical procedures) rather than the more rigorous control of physically altering the conditions (i.e., such as in experiments

2. The Prediction Design
Instead of simply relating variables—two variables at a time or a complex set such as in our last example—in a prediction design, researchers seek to anticipate outcomes by using certain variables as predictors. For example, superintendents and principals need to identify teachers who will be successful in their schools. To select teachers who have a good chance of success, the administrators can identify predictors of success using correlational research. 
The purpose of a prediction research design is to identify variables that will predict an outcome or criterion. In this form of research, the investigator identifi es one or more predictor variable and a criterion (or outcome) variable.

The following characteristics of Prediction design:
The authors typically include the word prediction in the title. It might also be in the purpose statement or research questions.
The researchers typically measure the predictor variable(s) at one point in time and the criterion variable at a later point in time. a study to determine if the researchers build a “time” dimension into the design. 
The authors forecast future performance. They usually state this intent in the purpose statement or in the research questions. In the justifi cation of the research problem, writers also mention their intent to “predict” some outcome.

There are three keys characteristics, they are:
1. Displays of Scores
2. Associations between Scores
3. Multiple Variable Analysis

1. Displays of Scores
If you have two scores, in correlation research you can plot these scores on a graph (or scatterplot) or present them in a table (or correlation matrix).
Researchers plot scores for two variables on a graph to provide a visual picture of the form of the scores. This allows researchers to identify the type of association among variables and locate extreme scores. Most importantly, this plot can provide useful information about the form of the association—whether the scores are linear (follow a straightline) or curvilinear (follow a U-shaped form). 
There are three important aspects about the scores on this plot. First, the direction of scores shows that when X increases, Y increases as well, indicating a positive association. Second, the points on the scatterplot tend to form a straight line. Third, the points would be reasonably close to a straight line if we were to draw a line through all of them. These three ideas relate to direction, form of the association, and the degree of relationship that we can learn from studying this scatterplot. 
A Correlation Matrix
Correlation researchers typically display correlation coeffi cients in a matrix. A correlation matrix presents a visual display of the correlation coeffi cients for all variables in a study. In this display, we list all variables on both a horizontal row and a vertical column in the table. 

2. Associations between Scores
After correlation researchers graph scores and produce a correlation matrix, they can then interpret the meaning of the association between scores. This calls for understanding the direction of the association, the form of the distribution, the degree of association, and its strength.
a) A positive correlation (the points move in the same direction)
when X increases, so does Y or, alternatively, if X decreases, so does Y.
b) A negative correlation (the points move in the opposite direction)
when X  increases, Y decreases, and when X decreases, Y increases
a) A positive linear relationship 
b) A negative linear relationship 
c) Uncorrelated and Nonlinear Relationships
d) A curvilinear distribution
Degree and Strength of Association
With numbers indicating strength and valence signs indicating direction (+1.00 to –1.00) the statistic provides a measure of the magnitude of the relationship between two variables.

3. Multiple Variable Analysis
In many correlation studies, researchers predict outcomes based on more than one predictor variable. Thus, they need to account for the impact of each variable. Two multiple variable analysis approaches are partial correlations and multiple regression.
Partial Correlations
In many research situations, we study three, four, or fi ve variables as predictors of outcomes. The type of variable called a mediating or intervening variable “stands between” the independent and dependent variables and infl uences both of them. This variable is different from a control variable that infl uences the outcome in an experiment. We use partial correlations to determine the amount of variance that an intervening variable explains in both the independent and dependent variables.
Multiple Regression
Correlation researchers use the correlation statistic to predict future scores. To see what impact multiple variables have on an outcome, researchers use regression analysis. We will start with understanding a regression line and then move on to analysis using regression. A regression line is a line of “best fit” for all of the points of scores on the graph. This line comes the closest to all of the points on the plot and it is calculated by drawing a line that minimizes the squared distance of the points from the line. 

                 Ethical issues arise in many phases of the correlational research process. In data collection, ethics relate to adequate sample size, lack of control, and the inclusion of as many predictors as possible. In data analysis, researchers need a complete statement of fi ndings to include effect size and the use of appropriate statistics. Analysis cannot include making up data. In recording and presenting studies, the write-up should include statements about relationships rather than causation, a willingness to share data, and publishing in scholarly outlets.

1. Determine If a Correlational Study Best Addresses the Research Problem
2. Identify Individuals to Study
3. Identify Two or More Measures for Each Individual in the Study
4. Collect Data and Monitor Potential Threats
5. Analyze the Data and Represent the Results
6. Interpret the Results

           Evaluate a correlational study in terms of the strength of its data collection, analysis, and interpretations. These factors include adequate sample size, good presentations in graphs and matrices, clear procedures, and an interpretation about the relationship among variables.
To evaluate and assess the quality of a good correlational study, authors consider:
An adequate sample size for hypothesis testing.
The display of correlational results in a matrix or graph.
An interpretation about the direction and magnitude of the association between two (or more) variables.
An assessment of the magnitude of the relationship based on the coefficient of determination, 
p values, effect size, or the size of the coefficient.
The choice of an appropriate statistic for analysis.
The identification of predictor and the criterion variables.
If a visual model of the relationships is advanced, the researcher indicates the expected direction of the relationships among variables, or the predicted direction based on observed data.
The clear identification of the statistical procedures. 

Taken from: 
Creswell, John W. 2012. Educational Research Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research fourth edition. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.

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Assigning Grades and Reporting Students’ Performance

Assigning grades is one of the most difficult and emotion-laden tasks for a teacher. It is also a task for which teachers have had little professional preparation. A good grading system should be a clear, accurate reflection of the differences in student achievement. School use a variety of systems to report student performance. The alternative reporting systems are Percentage Grades, Letter and number grades, Pass-fail marks, Checklist, Written description, and Conferences with parents.
The first system is Percentage Grades. The percentage grading system is another widely-used, absolute grading system.  This approach relies on the calculation of the percentage of correct responses. Percentage grades assigns each student a number between 0 and 100. It used because these grades are assumed to represent the percentage of content a student has a great score or skill. The advantages of this system are the percentage grades provide a convenient summary of student performance and they can be recorded and processed quickly. It means, if the distribution of grades for a given class is known, percentage grades provide a quick overview for a counselor or other audiences of student performance relative to other in the class. The limitation of percentage grades are the name itself is misleading, they imply a degree of precision that cannot be justified given the reliability of grades, and percentage grades do not indicate the combination of skills that a student has achieved.
The second system is Letter and number grades. Letter grades consist of a series of letters. Such as, Excellent, Good, Poor, Unacceptable. The most common series is:
A=outstanding            (Excellent)
B=very good               (Good)
C=satisfactory             (Enough)
D=weak                      (Poor)
F=unsatisfactory         (unacceptable)
The advantages of Letter and number grades are providing a convenient summary of student performance, approaching the optimal number of categories for reporting students’ progress, and prevalence and hence familiarity in the US and some other countries. The limitation itself are they do not indicate the combination of skills that a student has achieved and a letter grade by itself does not provide sufficient information to determine whether a student should be promoted to the next grade level in school.
The third system is Pass-fail marks. Pass-fail marks collapses all letter grades into two categories. A variation of pass-fail is a pass and no pass policy in which a students’ record lists only the courses that a student has passed. The advantages of pass-fail marks is as a means of encouraging students to take courses in content areas they might otherwise avoid. The limitation of it are reducing the utility of grades and tending to have low reliability.
The forth system is Checklist. Checklist allows a teacher to indicate which of a variety of statements describes a given student. The advantages of it are more adequately communicate student performance and allowing the teacher to report separately a variety of traits relevant to instruction. Then its’ limitation are more time-consuming to prepare and process, it can also be misleading, typically, parents are unable to use highly detailed information about a child’s achievement.
The next system is written description. Written description is a writing narrative description of each student. The narrative can describe traits that facilitate or restrict learning, in addition to the student’s accomplishments. The advantages of written description is it can include whatever is relevant and can focus the reader’s attention on the most significant issues. The limitation of written description are the flexibility of written description is also their greatest limitation and they are time-consuming to prepare and read.

The last system is Conferences with parents. It means the relationship and conference between teachers and parents. Many schools supplement written grade reports with conferences between teachers and parents. It is has some advantages are direct communication between parents and teacher, allows teacher to use feedback from the parents to assure that ideas are being communicated accurately and with appropriate emphasis, and a conference also increases parents’ involvement in the child schooling. The limitation of conferences with parents are they often are unstructured, care must be taken to provide a representative description of the student, it allows teachers to sense inadequate communication, and about time-consuming. 

Tuesday 10 January 2017


  Language Shift is expected a sign of successful assimilation. A language shift occurs when the people in a particular culture or sub-culture change the primary language that they use for communication. This can happen in two primary ways: by indigenous languages been replaced with regional or global languages or by the language of immigrant populations being replaced with the dominant language of the host country. When there are no more native speakers of a language, it is considered dead or extinct.
The most common way for a language shift to happen is through formal education in a more dominant language. For example, I am from Bandung, west java. I used to speak Sundanese. One day, I continued my study in Yogyakarta, central java. Most of my friends are Javanese, so, they speak Javanese to some people they meet. Because of that, I speak Javanese too. It means that my language is shift language. I speak Sundanese in Bandung and speak Javanese in Yogyakarta. The first language might continue to be used at home for a period of time, but gradually Javanese may replace the indigenous language for education. Over a few generations, the first language may fall out of use even in private settings, resulting in a language shift.
Language death is when all the people who speak a language die, the language dies with them. With the spread of a majority group language into more and more domains, the number of contexts in which individuals use the ethnic language diminishes. The language usually retreats till it is used only in the home, and finally it is restricted to such personal activities as counting, praying and dreaming. For example, my mom is a Javanese. She married with my dad who is Sundanese. After getting married, they lived in Jakarta. Most people in Jakarta speak Bahasa Indonesia. Then both my mom and dad also use Bahasa Indonesia as their daily language to communicate with neighbors. They seldom use their first language. Finally, long time ago they forgot how to speak their first language. It means that, both my mom and my dad loss their own language. It is called language death.